my crutch


Jesus School... takes me to "the place I want to be"

"I feel normally kind of numb in the world, and not very curious about things. I do the same things every day. But through [Jesus School], it’s the only way I can open the world UP; that’s what I am trying to do, you know, like opening all the things UP, what they really are, what they could mean...And so it is very much the [Jesus School] process that’s important for me. It’s not the results. It’s being in that place where you are [with Jesus' guidance] questioning the world, the way you see the world, the way you are creating something out of elements from the world, [like Jesus and I do in Jesus School, with angels] that [is what] I’m looking for, that’s the place I want to be [with Jesus and angels, at Jesus School]....

(the words above are originally from Karl Ove Knausgaard.  However, they are now my (Greg's) words, as adapted, adopted and modified at Jesus School by Greg and Jesus to express Greg Muller's personal Jesus-School introspection..... you can follow this link to hear Karl's full NPR interview)

What kind of broken soul (freak!?) needs a spiritual crutch, like the one Jesus is helping Greg create (and use) in Jesus School?

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. - - John 9 : NIV.
Imagine that you are so spiritually disabled, hard-hearted (spiritually numb and blind) that the only way you can possibly muster a deep, abiding sense of Jesus' Presence in your life is by taking extreme, unprecedented measures---even strange, unconventional measures, that others around you consider awkward, foolish, ill-conceived, overly-elaborate, unnecessary, contrived, annoying, off-putting, even sacrilege.    

Would you do it?

I would.  I did.  I do.  I will. 

Forever, if necessary.

In short, what you are about to see (if Jesus has you see it at, "The Jesus Treasure Hunt Project", which Jesus and his angels have been helping me build at Jesus School,  is one huge, elaborate crutch.
I repeat, it is a crutch.
It is a crutch.
It is a crutch.

I wouldn't use it if I didn't need it.  It is a burden.  I don't want to use a crutch.
But I need a crutch.  And it works.   And Jesus told me to build it and use it.  So, here I go.
By any means necessary.


Jesus' lecture continued... and his words led me to understand that the deepest desire of my heart (what I really long for most, the main treasure my spirit longs for, the u
ltimate riches for me) is MORE Jesus; meaning, I seek MORE of the PRESENCE of Jesus and his angels in my daily life (Treasure #1).

Jesus' actual presence.

So then, fellow treasure-seeker, if Jesus gives you eyes to see it, then you are about to witness a growing cache of hidden "Jesus Treasures" (#1 through #100, and beyond) that I am finding (and learning to  treasure, treasure, treasure each day), with Jesus and his angels.

Warning: to actually see what lies ahead (Jesus Treasure #1 through #100, and beyond) you and I must do two related things:

1.)hope for things which are not seen which are true

2.)be/become as  little children, "babes"... 

(Jesus, the God of the UNIVERSE, because he likes hidden treasures, has carefully designed certain, select treasures on earth that are to remain hidden from sight from everyone, everyone, everyone... except those who believe and are like little children.)

At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes (Matthew 11:25).

The Hunt Is On!  The Hunt Is On!  The Hunt Is On! (..for Greg to not be "wise", nor "prudent")

If you earnestly seek (as a little child) you will have eyes to see, and be able to witness,  what Jesus calls "Advanced (leapfrog) Technology"--- a comprehensive (RE)training system that Jesus is now building and prototyping within "early Zion", to (RE)train the minds and hearts of his children AWAY FROM the money-centric/carnal-centric anti-Christ Babylon-all-is-well-in-Zion CULTure (that emphasizes
finite treasures) we inherited from our fathers and mothers (Oh Babylon, Oh Babylon we bid thee farewell...)---- to a new, Jesus-centric CULTure (that emphasizes infinite treasures)  that is now being born again into the Manger Scene approximation (we're going to the mountains of Ephraim to dwell).

>>> It all starts, each day, with a pillow, "My Jesus Pillow".<<<

Jesus commands me, saying, "Greg, seek ye first the Kingdom Of God [hidden treasures like the ones you and I are caching and manifesting here], and as a result, MY (JESUS) RIGHTEOUSNESS, along with all these things** shall be added unto you."

**Of course, when Jesus says, "all these things shall be added unto you", Jesus has just opened up the grand mystery.  Because ALL OF THESE THINGS---that Jesus promises to ADD unto me, are not specified by Jesus.  Nor does Jesus tell me exactly when they are going to be added.  The mystery of godliness how great it is.  An adventure! My HOPE is in Christ.  He is a good God, who has redeemed me, who HAS ADDED so much to my life; Jesus has provided for my family all these years.  Jesus is a God who I am learning to trust more and more.  Hallelujah.  Thank you Jesus!  I am glad that you are (RE)training my heart and mind.  Carry on.  Carry on.  Carry on.