For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul - Doctrine & Covenants 4:4
LOW GLORY: There is a tide of guru energy that swells in our society; a forceful energy that calls for us to get things done (G.T.D.) in more conscious, deliberate and verifiable way. Generally, I like what this energy encourages: getting results and counting results.
Examples are given...but what is often not made clear is what counts and how this is in the realm of BELIEFS....I develop a treatment (I believe) for depression that is marketed by a billion dollar pharmacuetical company (I believe I have done something noteable, had a result that is worthy)....I believe I have developed a teatree oil (not gone through peer review, etc....but people will swear by it). I believe I am the best golfer in the world, given myhandicap (Jesus ways are often not mentioned...I am mentioning them here and then forcing their acceptance). What are we going to count as results...(what matters most)...there is a gap...some things aren't being counted....they are put on the back of the bus....they don't get to stand up except in this area or that....
We distinguish between child and adult results...why...we just decided to..
But like any tide
---more accountability is good.
Already doing Jaco Steve...
This energy is good if it leads us to
our results and argues that our actions be more deliberate.
There is a field of results....things we have done, things we can do or should do....
conscious . As one observer noted, "the time
Not first or second or any capter in Biology book is going to produce the elephant in the room- ---the creationist argument isn't presented in fulness... not surprised that equal time is given to counter arguments....when you are arguing for something you don't hobble your argument, even in the name of fair game and open diaolgue, open thought....
There are two houses (one house is the princple of man is not made for the sabatth, the other house is keep the sabaath day is the widows mite the other is the XXX). Go to the house that you need. If you need to do something different (go to Norm) if you need to stay the same and feel good about it (go to Greg)....Greg is saying don't bother people about that Sabbath day observance (they are doing fine)...
LOW GLORY: There is a tide of guru energy that swells in our society; a forceful energy that calls for us to get things done (G.T.D.) in more conscious, deliberate and verifiable way. Generally, I like what this energy encourages: getting results and counting results.
Examples are given...but what is often not made clear is what counts and how this is in the realm of BELIEFS....I develop a treatment (I believe) for depression that is marketed by a billion dollar pharmacuetical company (I believe I have done something noteable, had a result that is worthy)....I believe I have developed a teatree oil (not gone through peer review, etc....but people will swear by it). I believe I am the best golfer in the world, given myhandicap (Jesus ways are often not mentioned...I am mentioning them here and then forcing their acceptance). What are we going to count as results...(what matters most)...there is a gap...some things aren't being counted....they are put on the back of the bus....they don't get to stand up except in this area or that....
We distinguish between child and adult results...why...we just decided to..
But like any tide
---more accountability is good.
Already doing Jaco Steve...
This energy is good if it leads us to
our results and argues that our actions be more deliberate.
There is a field of results....things we have done, things we can do or should do....
conscious . As one observer noted, "the time
Not first or second or any capter in Biology book is going to produce the elephant in the room- ---the creationist argument isn't presented in fulness... not surprised that equal time is given to counter arguments....when you are arguing for something you don't hobble your argument, even in the name of fair game and open diaolgue, open thought....
There are two houses (one house is the princple of man is not made for the sabatth, the other house is keep the sabaath day is the widows mite the other is the XXX). Go to the house that you need. If you need to do something different (go to Norm) if you need to stay the same and feel good about it (go to Greg)....Greg is saying don't bother people about that Sabbath day observance (they are doing fine)...