Foray dandelions - people who say interesting and good things about dandelions
Upcoming pieces: PIECE ON WORK SLOW DOWN...People slow-down at work, once the cop (boss)has can you slow down more...(when boss is in the room, speed up, cut the conversations, look busy) Connect the Speeding....Steve says speeding gets you there 3 minutes earlier (how is that worth it someone may ask)...he says I feel better as I am going along (therapeutic feeling)...this ties into human basic need for a sense of progress (math moves forward faster than student's can master it at a high level, spanish class, many others gives a sese of progress, scripture reading) that is important to the mind and heart....
Upcoming pieces: PIECE ON WORK SLOW DOWN...People slow-down at work, once the cop (boss)has can you slow down more...(when boss is in the room, speed up, cut the conversations, look busy) Connect the Speeding....Steve says speeding gets you there 3 minutes earlier (how is that worth it someone may ask)...he says I feel better as I am going along (therapeutic feeling)...this ties into human basic need for a sense of progress (math moves forward faster than student's can master it at a high level, spanish class, many others gives a sese of progress, scripture reading) that is important to the mind and heart....
- The vast majority of helpers focus on conventional solutions; that base is covered. So my priority, "My Art" is finding and sharing effective unconventional solutions, the kind hidden behind firewalls of orthodoxy, walls people like me naturally breach.
- My Art, My Therapy. I apply Positive Deviance solutions like a painter applies paint, to create actual pieces of art (in the form of little movies, books, pictures, songs, programs) gathered into 3 collages. Each collage is like a powerful perception pillyou can take directly, if you want. However, in line with Tufts University's Positive Deviance Approach, we believe the most effective solutions reside inside you, your relationships, organizations and communities. In our "Jam Sessions" (relaxed therapy sessions) we use Our Art pieces primarily as an initial foundation, one you can foray from to discover your own positive deviance solutions---to increase awareness and insight, manage stress, improve relationships, increase cognitive and creative abilities, attain valued achievements and self fulfillment.
- PIECE 1: WHAT'S IN YOUR BOWL? Unorthodox Vietnamese rice-paddy farmers quietly add little wild critters and weeds (i.e. protein, minerals, vitamins) to their rice bowls, so their family stays healthier than other families who stick with just plain rice. Like these farmers, we gather (create) unconventional condiments (pieces of art) to make plain life better.
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Taste: God's Garden |
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Go: Beyond Plain Rice |
- Watch our movie, "If Critters And Weeds Are Food Then..."
- Read our book, "Mommy Can I Have More Bugs, Please!"
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Observe: House Rules |
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Think: Car Helmet |
- PIECE 2: HOUSE RULES. Opening your "bowl" to wild critters and weeds is not easy. Because, face it, we all like to fit in. Whether you are a rice-paddy farmer or a CEO, you face resistance (internally and externally) when you attempt to do weird-but-better things. To tame this resistance, to loosen us up so we can do Our Art, Steve and I came up with these 8 rules.
- Read our book, "Our House Rules"
- PIECE 3: HUMANITARIAN SERVICE PROJECTS. This is one of our more popular pieces of art. Many people have started sprinkling these unconventional morsels generously into their bowls to transform work, childcare, household chores and other routine activities into authentic, full-blown humanitarian service projects.
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Behold: a Humanitarian Service Project |
- Get the award: Global Humanitarian Service Award
- Join our club: United Humanitarian Service Association (UHSA)
- Document your service: Humanitarian Service Database of America (HSDA)
- Attend our conference: "Counting What Really Counts: Expanding Humanitarian Service", National Conference for Worldwide Betterment Through Humanitarian Service Projects, April 10, 2011, Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City, UT
- Read the book: "Finding More Glory"
- Application
- Caring For Jesus
- 1. Find a positive trait
- Mother Teresa wants to believe that she is literally in the presence of Jesus.
- 2. Find a piece of evidence
- She finds evidence for this belief in Matthew 25:40.
- Mother Teresa served Christ hidden in the poor. “As you did to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40). This Gospel passage, so crucial in understanding Mother Teresa’s service to the poor, was the basis of her faith-filled conviction that in touching the broken bodies of the poor she was touching the body of Christ. It was to Jesus himself, hidden under the distressing disguise of the poorest of the poor, that her service was directed. ---BEATIFICATION HOMILY
- 3. Give expression
- Mother Teresa expresses her belief in her journal, in her conversations with others, and most importantly in her daily work.
- Mother Teresa highlights the deepest meaning of service — an act of love done to the hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked, sick, prisoners (cf. Mt 25:34-36) is done to Jesus himself. Recognizing him, she ministered to him with wholehearted devotion, expressing the delicacy of her spousal love. Thus, in total gift of herself to God and neighbor, Mother Teresa found her greatest fulfillment and lived the noblest qualities of her femininity. She wanted to be a sign of “God’s love, God’s presence and God’s compassion”, and so remind all of the value and dignity of each of God’s children, “created to love and be loved”. Thus was Mother Teresa “bringing souls to God and God to souls” and satiating Christ’s thirst, especially for those most in need, those whose vision of God had been dimmed by suffering and pain. ---BEATIFICATION HOMILY (Pope John Paul II, L’Osservatore Romano Weekly Edition in English 22 October 2003, page 6)
- • What reasons might Mother Teresa have for wanting to believe that Jesus was literally present when she served others?
- • Could someone who wanted to believe the same thing as Mother Teresa use the same evidence that she did? Is there other evidence that she could have used?
- • Some caretakers (other nuns, hospital workers, parents, spouses) may believe the words of Matthew 25:40 but prefer to not to believe the things Mother Teresa did (that they are seeing and ‘touching the body of Christ’, being a sign from heaven) when they interact with, touch and serve others. Does this diminish in the least degree the dignity, worthiness, and eternal value of their service?
- • If you chose to believe what Mother Teresa did, why might you want to hold this belief privately? What might happen if you were to share this belief with the person(s) you are serving?
- • If Mother Teresa simply wrote in her journal, “I saw Jesus, I touched Jesus” would she be telling the truth? If you made the same claim, would it be the truth?
- • Are there other issues around this example to consider?
- Application
- Caring For Jesus 2
- 1. Find a positive trait
- I too want to believe that I am literally in the presence of Jesus.
- 2. Find a piece of evidence
- I too (like Mother Teresa) use Matthew 25:40 as evidence.
- 3. Give expression
- I express my belief in my journal. There, I testify to something I never had before.
- When I was a teenager my grandma Else lived with my family. Her health was quite fragile; she had suffered a stroke shortly before her husband passed away. Our whole family cared for Grandma over the course of eight years. I have particularly pleasant memories of the times I would take Grandma out for a hamburger, fries and a coke at the Burger Haus. Due to her health, Grandma spent most of her days sitting in a chair in our living room. Going out to eat was a real treat for her. I remember her shaky hands clasped on my arms as we made our way down the stairs. Once we were out the door I would set her walker up and she would shuffle to the car. I had to be especially careful in helping her get in the front seat without bumping her head or dropping her oxygen tank. Though conversation was difficult, due to her health, Grandma would make small talk along the way, often repeating herself, asking me a second time “Greg, are we going to get a hamburger?” Yes we are Grandma. “I want a hamburger and a coke.” Ok, then we’ll get you one. You know, it is a strange thing to be in the company of royalty, set upon a majestic quest, fulfilling ancient prophesy, being cause of angels to rejoice and spirits of Hell to gnash—all the while thinking to oneself, “I’m just taking ‘ol Grandma out for a hamburger, fries and a coke. I wish in my youth I had known the liberty that I am now taking. Which is to believe that as I was helping Grandma down the stairs, out to the car and to the Burger Haus, I was (just like Mother Teresa) being a sign of God’s love, seeing Jesus, touching Jesus, and taking Jesus out for a hamburger, fries and a coke.
- • How much, and how sophisticated, is the evidence required to believe phenomenal things, such as that Lord Jesus Christ is literally present?
- • The evidence for my belief was Matthew 25:40. What advantage is there in evidence from spiritual/scriptural sources verses other (secular) sources? (Jesus is generous with evidence) Which sources allow you to more easily hold on to your positive beliefs/your ‘makes sense’ story? (iron rod).
- • Why is it a good idea to keep some of our most positive beliefs (like Jesus is present) private? Who would it be ok to share such a belief with? What other type of positive beliefs would it be ok or not ok to share with others?
- • We ”hold” positive beliefs by giving them expression. One of the most common places to express beliefs is in stories---bible stories, journal stories, songs, poetry, plays, and movies. What other ways/places do we express positive beliefs?
- • Holding/expressing beliefs in your journal allow you ready access to your positive beliefs for those crucial moments in life, times when you really, really need them (moments of stress, sadness or longing for joy; teaching moments). What other advantages does a journal have?
- Horoscopes—follow this same pattern…I like it when people control me (evidence find)…I like control myself (evidence find)….so ambguious…)
- ___________________________________________
- One of my favorite things about The Hunt is the freedom I feel to choose for myself what to believe and the piece of evidence that I will glue to that belief. Lately I have been thinking about a freeing thought---we choose to believe what we want to believe. A proof for me, a reminder that everyone does this, is this little thing I wrote about Crash Helmets.
- You buckle up, watch the road, don’t run red lights, and so forth to keep you and your family safe when you drive. I have one more practice you can add. It is a simple, affordable and very effective safety practice. Wear crash helmets when you drive.
- Of course, we could find thousands of expert witnesses with PhD’s (auto engineers, risk managers and the like) who will solemnly testify that we and our families would be significantly safer wearing crash helmets when we drive. But, until everybody else starts wearing helmets---not just professional auto-racers and people with medical needs---neither you, I or our loved ones will be wearing a helmet when we drive our car.
- In short, wearing crash helmets is a practice before its time. Maybe someday everybody will be wearing helmets without shame. Perhaps we’ll find a way to make invisible helmets, or ones that can be hidden in the dashboard like the big balloons (airbags) we have in our cars.
- Until then, we’ll just believe what we believe (that we are being safe enough…as evidenced by what we now do for safety) and take our chances, I guess.
- (recent insight…there are many “helmets” in our lives…things we know for certain that would improve our lives…praying every 30 minutes…but we are not going to do them until it is dire)
- A private journal is often the only socially appropriate place to express extremely positive beliefs about yourself and others. The ‘makes sense’ stories above represent extremely positive beliefs. This type of belief is often the most energizing kind. Yet, it should be noted that sharing extremely positive beliefs with anyone other than yourself and perhaps the people you trust the most, can often result in an effect that is the direct opposite of what you intend (you end up less happy, less liked), because in the words of Jesus, you cast your pearls…
- In contrast, there are many instances that we are allowed, or even encouraged hold and express quite positive or even our very positive beliefs about ourselves and others. For example, applying for a job, in your resume and interview you are expected to express quite, even very positive beliefs about ‘yourself, your abilities, and your future prospects.’ The same is true, for example, in applying for a grant. The most successful grant writers learn to express very positive beliefs about themselves (the agency they represent) and their abilities to get things done and make a difference. [Note that In both of these examples pieces of evidence for the positive beliefs you hold and express…in a resume, interview or grant proposal…is not only a nice thing to have, but essential to getting a job or winning a grant]
- Finally, in the widest sense, there are many ways and places (treasure troves) that we can give expression to (or hold) our positive beliefs: in song, in our conversations, in religious rituals (e.g. prayer), in how we dress, in how we parent…in short, and ultimately, in how we live every aspect our very lives.
- Treasure Troves
- We ”hold” beliefs by giving them expression. One of the most common places to express beliefs is in stories---bible stories, journal stories, songs, poetry, plays, and movies.
- If you plan to do The Hunt in a more conscious and deliberate way, for starters, I recommend that you once you find your ‘makes sense’ story that you give it expression (hold it) in a journal.
- Holding positive beliefs in a personal journal has certain benefits. First, a journal is a private place. This is important given that expressing positive beliefs about yourself (or even others) can sometimes invite social disapproval. Second, holding your beliefs in journal stories will allow you ready access to your positive beliefs for those crucial moments in life, times when you really, really need them (moments of stress, sadness or longing for joy; teaching moments).
- Of course your journal could take many forms, notes in a notebook, voice or video clip recordings, or a scrapbook with notes and photos. You of course will find a method of journaling that best fits your life and style.
May 13, 2013
AP - May 13, 3013
ROME (AP) — The U.N. has new weapons to fight hunger, boost nutrition and reduce pollution, and they might be crawling or flying near you right now: edible insects.
The Food and Agriculture Organization on Monday hailed the likes of grasshoppers, ants and other members of the insect world as an underutilized food for people, livestock and pets.
A 200-page report, released at a news conference at the U.N. agency's Rome headquarters, says 2 billion people worldwide already supplement their diets with insects, which are high in protein and minerals, and have environmental benefits.
Insects are "extremely efficient" in converting feed into edible meat, the agency said. On average, they can convert 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of feed into 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of insect mass. In comparison, cattle require 8 kilograms (17.6 pounds) of feed to produce a kilo of meat.
Most insects are likely to produce fewer environmentally harmful greenhouse gases, and also feed on human and food waste, compost and animal slurry, with the products being used for agricultural feed, the agency said.
Currently, most edible insects are gathered in forests and what insect farming does take place is often family-run and serves niche markets. But the U.N. says mechanization can ratchet up insect farming production. The fish bait industry, for example, has long farmed insects.
Insect farming is "one of the many ways to address food and feed security," the food agency said.
"Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly," the agency said, adding they leave a "low environmental footprint." They provide high-quality protein and nutrients when compared with meat and fish and are "particularly important as a food supplement for undernourished children," it said.
Insects can also be rich in copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc, and are a source of fiber.
The agency noted that its Edible Insect Program is also examining the potential of arachnids, such as spiders and scorpions, although they are not strictly speaking insects.
University biologists have analyzed the nutritional value of edible insects, and some of them, such as certain beetles, ants, crickets and grasshoppers, come close to lean red meat or broiled fish in terms of protein per gram (ounce).
But are they tasty?
The report noted that some caterpillars in southern Africa and weaver ant eggs in Southeast Asia are considered delicacies and command high prices.
And some people who might not entertain the thought of consuming insects might already be eating them. Many insects are ingested inadvertently.
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